I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.
I am the Head Teacher Of Maria International School Of Bucharest in Romania. I am also very keen at developing different TES teaching resources to discover what works well for different classes. I am constantly looking for new and exciting different ways of presenting and teaching different primary topics, especially maths topics.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons looking at Mass and shape and space. The lessons all start with a fun mental warm up. This is followed by an interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons finish with a fun differentiated learning challenge.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 5
Title Mass
Learning Objective: solve measurement problems
use words about mass and ways of measuring weight
measure using non-standard units
compare weights
estimate and measure.
Lesson 2: Week 5
Title Mass
Learning Objective: use and begin to read words about mass
compare different masses.
Lesson 3: Week 5
Title Mass
Learning Objective: use and begin to use words about mass
suggest and use simple measuring equipment
develop estimating skills.
Lesson 4: Week 5
Title Mass
Learning Objective: solve measurement problems
understand and use words about mass
measure and compare using standard units.
Lesson 5: Week 5
Title Shape and Space
Learning Objective: recognise and describe how to turn things
recognise half and quarter turns to the left or right
understand the terms clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Here are five great PowerPoint lessons about addition, subtraction, and money. The lessons all start with a mental warm up activities. Then the students complete an interactive whole class learning session together. The lessons end with a differentiated learning challenge.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
investigate number problems and puzzles
explain methods, reasoning and relationships.
Lesson 2: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
devise and continue a number pattern
describe a pattern
Lesson 3: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise and continue or complete number patterns
describe a pattern or rule
devise a number pattern
recognise odd and even numbers.
Lesson 4: Week 8
Title Counting and properties of numbers
Learning Objective: recognise odd and even numbers
recognise a pattern
explain what we did.
Lesson 5: Week 9
Title Addition, Mental Calculation, Place Value
Learning Objective: understand the language of addition.
begin to add 9 or 11 by adding 10 and changing the number by 1.
begin to add 19 or 21 by adding 20 and changing the number by 1.
Five full PowerPoint presentations about teaching time. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up. Then the students participate in a full, whole class, interactive learning session. The students end the lesson by completing a differentiated learning challenge.
Spring Term
Lesson 1: Week 11
Title Time
Learning Objective: use and understand words about time
solve simple problems relating to time.
Lesson 2: Week 11
Title Time
Learning Objective: use and understand words about time
read the time to the o’clock and half past on different types of clock
solve simple problems relating to time.
Lesson 3: Week 11
Title Time
Learning Objective: use and understand words about time
read the time to half and quarter hours
understand digital clocks
solve simple problems about time.
Lesson 4: Week 11
Title Time
Learning Objective: use and understand words about time
read the time to half and quarter hours on an analogue and a digital clock
solve simple problems about time.
Lesson 5: Week 11
Title Time
Learning Objective: understand and use words about time
know different units of time
make estimates about time
use the right units of time.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons about Money and ‘Real Life’ problems. The students start the lesson with a fun interactive mental warm up. This is followed by an interactive, whole class, teaching session. The lessons end with differentiated learning activities.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 4
Title Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems, Making Decisions and Checking Results
Learning Objective: recognise all coins and understand how much they are worth
total coins
use decimal notation for money
solve problems correctly
explain how a problem was solved.
Lesson 2: Week 4
Title Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems, Making Decisions and Checking Results
Learning Objective: solve money problems
recognise coins and be able to total
make decisions and check results.
Lesson 3: Week 4
Title Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems, Making Decisions and Checking Results
Learning Objective: solve money problems
choose the appropriate number operation
check results.
Lesson 4: Week 4
Title Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems, Making Decisions and Checking Results
Learning Objective: recognise and know the value of all coins
choose and total coins
make decisions and check results.
Lesson 5: Week 4
Title Money and ‘Real-life’ Problems, Making Decisions and Checking Results
Learning Objective: solve money problems
choose the correct number operation
recognise all coins.
Three complete PowerPoint Lessons about reasoning about shapes and space. Each of the lessons start with a fun mental warm up. This is followed by an exciting, interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons are finished with a challenging, differentiated thinking task.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 6
Title Shape and Space, Reasoning about Shapes
Learning Objective: recognise and name 3-D shapes
make models using 3-D shapes
recognise what makes 3-D shapes special
relate 3-D shapes to 2-D pictures.
Mental Warm Up: Play ‘Round the table’.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to be learning about 3-D or ‘solid’ shapes.
Educational Challenges Work in pairs.
Build a 3-D shape from click-together shapes.
Draw round the faces of the 3-D shape on card.
Cut them out.
Record how many faces there are and what shape each face is.
Make a label with this information. Attach it to your card model.
Lesson 2: Week 6
Title Shape and Space, Reasoning about Shapes
Learning Objective: know more about 3-D shapes
make models using 3-D shapes
know what makes 3-D shapes special.
Mental Warm Up: ‘What’s my number operation?’
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to be learning more about 3-D or ‘solid’ shapes.
Educational Challenges Work individually.
Use straws and plasticine to make a 3-D shape.
Make a label to explain what the shape is and how many edges and corners it has.
Lesson 3: Week 6
Title Shape and Space, Reasoning about Shapes
Learning Objective: recognise 3-D shapes
make models using 3-D shapes
know what properties make each 3-D shape special.
Mental Warm Up: I will say some sentences about right angles and 3-D shapes. Record whether they are ‘True’ of ‘False’.
Main Lesson Idea: Today we are going to learn more about 3-D or ‘solid’ shapes.
Educational Challenges Choose a partner from one of the groups you do not normally work with.
Make a model using 3-D shapes.
Draw your model and record how many of each shape you used.
Count its faces, corners and edges.
Five complete PowerPoint lessons about counting and Properties of numbers. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up activity. This is followed by an interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons finish with a differentiated learning task.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: solve mathematical problems
explain how a problem was solved
understand and use the correct words to describe how a problem was solved.
Lesson 2: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: solve mathematical problems or puzzles
explain how a problem was solved
count on in steps of 1.
Lesson 3: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: solve problems
explain how a problem was solved
count on in steps of 1.
Lesson 4: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: solve mathematical problems
explain how a problem was solved
use symbols for unknown numbers
write number sentences.
Lesson 5: Week 8
Title Counting and Properties of Numbers
Learning Objective: solve mathematical problems
explain how a question was answered
complete number sentences.
These five complete PowerPoint lessons are focusing on time and capacity. The lessons start with a fun mental warm up session. This is followed by an interactive, whole class learning session. The lesson end with a differentiated learning challenge.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 12
Title Time
Learning Objective: suggest units to estimate time
read the time
understand how to read a digital clock
solve problems relating to time.
Lesson 2: Week 12
Title Time
Learning Objective: read the time
read a digital clock
solve simple time problems.
Lesson 3: Week 12
Title Time
Learning Objective: know the relationship between units of time.
Lesson 4: Week 12
Title Time
Learning Objective: solve simple time word problems
explain how a problem is solved
read the time from clocks.
Lesson 5: Week 12
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: estimate capacities
compare capacities.
These five complete PowerPoint lessons focus on handling data and capacity. These lessons start with a fun mental mental warm up. This is followed by an interactive, whole class learning session. The lessons all end with differentiated learning challenges.
Summer Term
Lesson 1: Week 13
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: count in hundreds from zero and back to zero
estimate and compare capacities
use standard units
understand and use words about capacity.
Lesson 2: Week 13
Title Capacity
Learning Objective: solve simple capacity word problems
understand and use words about capacity
read scales
understand the different units of capacity.
Lesson 3: Week 13
Title Handling Data
Learning Objective: solve a given problem
collect, sort and organise information
test a hypothesis
record in a table.
Lesson 4: Week 13
Title Handling Data
Learning Objective: solve a problem
collect, sort and organise information
test a hypothesis
record in a block graph.
Lesson 5: Week 13
Title Handling Data
Learning Objective: solve a given problem
collect, sort and organise information
test a hypothesis
record a pictogram.
Are you teaching counting to 10? This Halloween counting presentation is great fun. The first half of the presentation is with the numbers in order. Then I mixed up the numbers and so the children can count them all again.
As well as teaching the students to count in order and then out of order, I have also included a set of Halloween Themed writing and counting worksheets to use in the class.
I have also added a PowerPoint presentation explaining 31 different teaching activities you could use these picture flashcard for.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different numbers being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Halloween Counting to 10.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them from the smallest to the biggest. The students can then discuss what they think the answer is if they add 2 cards together.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
This is a fun Halloween presentation about number bonds to 10. The first half of the presentation are in order. The second half of the presentation is different sums mixed up. It makes learning more fun.
Also added some themed counting worksheets and a Halloween alphabet to complete.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different numbers being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Halloween Counting to 10.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them from the smallest to the biggest. The students can then discuss what they think the answer is if they add 2 cards together.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Count to 10 using Diwali as a focal point.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different numbers and items being shown in each of the photos.
The numbers are first shown in one way, and then mixed up and shown in a different order to consolidate their learning. I added Diwali mandala colouring book to help them further improve their fine motor skills colouring.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Diwali – Counting to 10.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different Diwali – Counting to 10 Lamps.
The photos could also be used to sort numbers or to use them to add or subtract different numbers.
Learn about number bonds up to 10 using the Diwali festival.
You can also use these resources to help you directly to count to 10, followed by seeing the numbers in different orders, followed by a nice Diwali colouring book to improve their fine motor skills.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different calculations being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Diwali Maths.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into an order. How they sorted the calculations.
Do you teach Dutch? Use my Halloween materials to boost their learning in a fun way!
You learn a counting song in Dutch. I have also included a Halloween themed worksheet which you could ask the children to translate into Dutch.
I have also included a presentation showing you 31 different ways the students could then use their worksheets to create new teaching activities in the classroom.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different skeletons being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about the Halloween Skeleton Counting Song.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different groups of skeletons. The students can then discuss what they think each skeleton was saying or thinking.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Great Diwali Vocabulary presentation. It is a great resource for presentation about the Diwali.
I added a Diwali colouring book and also a presentation on how you can use these resources to make 31 different teaching resources in the classroom.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different items being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Diwali Key Vocabulary and Story.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different Diwali Key Vocabulary and Story features. The students can then discuss what they think each one was saying or thinking.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
A fun way to teaching counting during Halloween.
I have combined three of my Halloween Resources to make them even better this year, a Halloween counting song, Number and Letter Handwriting worksheets linked to Halloween and 31 suggested ways of using these ideas in the classroom.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different skeletons being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about the Halloween Skeleton Counting Song.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different groups of skeletons. The students can then discuss what they think each skeleton was saying or thinking.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
You can use these number and alphabet writing worksheets. It is a great fun set of worksheets. A great way to tie into Halloween activities.
I have also added 31 different ways you could use these teaching resources in your classroom.
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different items being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Halloween Writing and Couting Sheets.
The students could also take the laminated photos and images and sort them into the correct numerical and alphabetical order.
The photos could also be used as prompts for creative writing, factual writing or descriptive writing.
Are you teaching about number bonds to 10? Are you looking for a way to link your teaching into Bonfire night, Guy Fawkes or Firework night? Then this is the resource for you!
You could look at it directly as a presentation and discuss the different calculations being shown in each of the photos.
You could print off and laminate the photos to make an interesting, eye-catching display about Guy Fawkes - Number Bonds To Ten.
The students could also take the laminated photos and sort them into different Guy Fawkes - Number Bonds To Ten. The students can then discuss how they solve each problem.